When the prices on fertilizer are skyrocketing, it is important to manage nutrition in arable crops. So, specialists from the UK have developed the nitrogen fertiliser adjustment calculator for cereals and oilseeds (https://ahdb.org.uk/knowledge-library/nitrogen-fertiliser-adjustment-calculator-for-cereals-and-oilseeds).
For a specified crop, this tool calculates*:
Cost of nitrogen fertiliser (£/kg)
Break-even-ratio (kgs of grain required to pay for a kg of nitrogen fertiliser)
An estimated change to nitrogen application* (kg/ha)
An estimate of the effect on yield/income (£/ha)
An estimated impact on nitrogen fertiliser costs (£/ha)
Total nitrogen fertiliser product required for the specified crop area planted (t)
*Compared to your typical/recommended nitrogen rate. Estimates provided can guide decision making. However, local adjustments may be required to fit specific circumstances.