Some organisations perform independent field trials to evaluate the levels of disease and pest resistance in field crops as well as agronomic features. The result of such evaluations is recommended lists for cereals and other field crops. These publications seem to be a useful tool in the form of a booklet, online tables and app to make informed decision on a variety choice. AHDB is publishing these materials for 80 years (1944–2024). These lists are released annually based on the variety data of several hundred field trials conducted across the UK. AHDB has committed almost £10 million to the current five-year RL project phase (2021–26). However, the total project cost, which includes cash and in-kind contributions from breeders and processors, is closer to £25 million.
Online tables for cereals and oilseeds:
Survey question: Do you have such publications in your region that help make an informed decision on a variety choice?
– No
– Yes, these materials are free to use for all interested farmers
– Yes, but farmers have to pay a fee for being able to read these publications.
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