Essential Herbicide Options for Late-Season Corn Weed Control to Maximize Yield and Minimize Harvest Issues
As the growing season progresses, managing weeds in corn fields becomes increasingly challenging, especially for those who faced excessive rainfall and other early-season issues. Sarah Lancaster from Kansas State University provides detailed insights into effective herbicide options for late-season weed control in corn. This guide aims to assist farmers in selecting the right products and strategies to maintain crop health and ensure a successful harvest.
Understanding the Need for Late-Season Herbicide Applications
While pre-emergence herbicides are crucial for early-season weed control, some situations require additional measures as the season advances. Excessive rainfall and sandy soils can lead to weed emergence even when initial control measures were adequate. Late-season weed control is essential not only to protect yield potential but also to prevent harvest difficulties and reduce the weed seed bank for future seasons.
Herbicide Options for Corn Over 12 Inches Tall
Below is a comprehensive list of herbicides suitable for use on corn taller than 12 inches, including details on their application and effectiveness:
Herbicide | Product | Maximum Corn Height | Comments |
Glufosinate | Liberty, others | V6 | Effective on emerged weeds; requires drop nozzles for taller crops. |
Tolpyralate | Shieldex | V6 or 20 inches | Can be mixed with Tough for enhanced control. |
Clopyralid | Stinger, others | 24 inches | Fair to good control of pigweed. |
Topramezone | Armezon, Impact | V8 | Mix with Tough for enhanced weed control. |
Pyridate | Tough | V8 | Enhances Group 27 herbicides. |
Mesotrione | Callisto, others | V8 or 30 inches | Effective for larger corn; mix with Tough for enhanced control. |
Glyphosate | Many | V8 or 30 inches | Use drop nozzles for RR2 hybrids over 30 inches. |
Nicosulfuron | Accent | 36 inches | Use drop nozzles for better coverage. |
Tembotrione | Laudis | V9 | Can be mixed with Tough for improved effectiveness. |
Carfentrazone | Aim | 14 leaves | Use drop nozzles for better coverage. |
Bromoxynil | Moxy, others | Tasselling | Provides fair control of pigweed. |
Dicamba | Clarity, others | Tasselling | Fair to good crop safety; use drop nozzles for better application. |
DiFlexx | DiFlexx | V10 | Good crop safety; effective against late-season weeds. |
Status | Status | V8 or 30 inches | Excellent crop safety; high effectiveness. |
2,4-D | Amine or ester | Tasselling | Use drop nozzles if corn is over 8 inches. |
Enlist One | Enlist One | V8 or 30 inches | Effective herbicide for late-season control. |
Strategies for Successful Herbicide Application
- Timing: Apply herbicides when corn is at the appropriate growth stage for the selected product. Late-season applications are typically performed when weeds are actively growing and before they reach the reproductive stage.
- Application Methods: Some herbicides require drop nozzles to reduce the risk of crop injury and ensure effective coverage of weeds. Ensure that the application equipment is set up correctly to achieve the best results.
- Weather Conditions: High temperatures can affect herbicide efficacy. It’s important to follow specific application guidelines related to weather conditions as outlined in product recommendations.