The Building a Better Tomorrow (BBT) program, aimed at empowering young farmers in Tanzania, has begun harvesting sunflowers at the Chinangali farm in Dodoma on June 19, 2024. This marks a significant achievement for the program’s beneficiaries and highlights the successful implementation of advanced agricultural technologies.
Harvesting with Modern Technology
The young farmers, organized under their cooperative society, Chinangali BBT AMCOS LTD, have partnered with agricultural experts, including Agricultural Officer Mr. Method Kahango and Engineer Anita James from the Ministry of Agriculture. Together, they are employing a state-of-the-art harvesting machine capable of harvesting over 25 acres per day. This technology not only increases efficiency but also ensures minimal post-harvest losses.
Government Support and Appreciation
Beneficiaries of the BBT program have expressed their gratitude to the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, and the Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Hussein Bashe (MP), for their unwavering support. The program, launched in February 2024, aims to foster youth involvement in agriculture by providing them with necessary resources and training.
Joseph John, one of the program’s beneficiaries, shared his journey: “Our journey was not easy, but today we are harvesting sunflowers as our first step towards success. I never lost hope because I believed in the government’s genuine intention to support youth and women through the BBT program.”
Initial Success and Future Prospects
The BBT program began its operations by cultivating sunflowers on the Chinangali farm, which spans a total of 1,772 acres. The harvesting process, which will continue for approximately 15 days, is a testament to the potential of modern agricultural practices and youth empowerment.
The commencement of the sunflower harvest at Chinangali farm under the BBT program signifies a promising future for young farmers in Tanzania. The integration of advanced technology and government support underscores the importance of innovation and collaboration in agriculture. As the program progresses, it is expected to further enhance the livelihoods of young farmers and contribute to the nation’s agricultural development.